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May 24, 2010
Newtown Hook and Ladder
Called to Order at 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:  Burton, Dugan, Goosman, Jossick, McCulloch, and Wlasuk

Absent:  Cragin

Marshal’s Present:  Halstead, and Frampton

Correction:  Minute acceptance should state March 22, 2010, not April 26, 2010.

MOTION: Goosman moved that the minutes of April 26, 2010, be accepted as corrected.
MOTION:  Passed

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
1.   5/20/10    Newtown Women’s Club/Cragin     Thank you letter for $350
2.  5/20/10     Newtown Lion’s Club             Thank you letter for $1K

Public Participation and Additions to the Agenda:  None

Fire Marshals Report:

No report for calls, incidents and hours worked.   $280 in permit fees collected.
  • Carnival inspection.
  • Children’s Adventure Center Fire Drill – Frampton.
  • Water Co. needs to supply water to the town of Brookfield.  Another Zoning meeting will take place and Halstead will get more answers. The board to write a letter to the Water Co. wanting to be kept apprised of this new development and that we oppose.  We concur with the Fire marshal that the 8” main not be reduced - copy DPUC.
  • Legal fireworks will be sold out of 365 South Main Street (across from Monroe concrete).
  • Asking Board to pay service fee on the printer card in the amount of $685.00.  This is for service on the printer.  Michael Burton will have it paid.
Standing Committees:

Budget:  Budget has not passed – still waiting.

Radio:  no report
Hydrant:   no report

  • #221 was in accident – McCulloch would like to establish a policy that all accidents must be reported in a certain amount of time, driver testing, etc.
  • Finishing up #339 tanker spec.  Will be ready for next meeting.
  • #442 having engine trouble, and was also backed into a light post.  Will get an estimate for repair along with 221.
  • Still haven’t heard back on repairs for #331.
  • Botsford got the DOT on the brush truck, Sandy Hook’s was overlooked and theirs was done as well.
Policies and Procedures:  
Last month TB testing. Corporate health price is $35 per fireman for the new method and $18 for old testing.  Jason sent information on TB exposure.  Jason said that one out of 50 – 30% is TB.  This will be taken under advisement to determine if shots need to be given.  Best when caught early so the regiment can be treated quickly.  Goosman will provide shots at the lower rate and two days later read all blood results.  This is a voluntary inoculation.

NUSAR:  McCarthy transfer/park permits must be obtained from Public Works.  
  • Supply names, addresses and license numbers to chiefs who then can be given to the chiefs and handed out.
  • Or they can be mailed out once this information has been obtained.
  • McCarthy to look at the Chestnut Hill hydrant and report back to Burton.
Purchasing Agent:  
  • Put spec together for furnace.  
  • Botsford furnace inspected and completed.
  • The Marlin Road hydrant will be started in two weeks.
Old Business:   None

New Business:

Dodgingtown would like to take #221 to Bridgewater in August.

MOTION:  McCulloch makes motion to take #221 to Bridgewater.

Training Requests:

MOTION: McCulloch moved to approve NH&L in the amount of $1,499.40 for FF2, Danbury Fire School and food reimbursement.

MOTION:  Burton moved Dodgingtown $1K 1 FF1, 2 and Haz Ops.

MOTION:  Burton stated that if funds are available at the end of the year, we will reimburse $2,412.96 to Sandy Hook for motorcycle MVA safety course (including dinner) working fire training video program.  Currently over budget by $1,773.52.

MOTION:  Burton stated that if funds are available to reimburse Botsford Fire and Rescue in the amount of $50; $350; $44.56; and 2,508.71 for = $2953.27 for food, rental of Danbury training building, training book and transportation and lodging.
SECONDED:  McCulloch

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey